As registered consultant in Indonesia Investment Board (BKPM).
Our Services :
1. Aplication for license from Indonesia Investment Coordianting Board (BKPM)
2. Notarial Deed for Establishment Liability Company
3. Online Single Submision
4. Approval from ministry of Law and Human Right of Republik of Indonesia
5. Tax Numbe
6. State Gazzete
7. Translate Document from Bahasa
Documents required :
1. For Foreign Applicant:
a. Articles of Association of the Company
b. Copy of valid Passport for foreign individual
2. For Foreign Investment Company (PMA) :
a. Articles of Association of the Company and its amendment
b. Tax Registration Code Number (NPWP)
3. For Indonesian Applicant:
a. Articles of Association of the Company and its amendment or Identity Card for Individual.
b. Tax Registration Code Number (NPWP).
4. a. Flowchart of the production process and raw materials requirement for processing industries.
b. Description Explanation of business activities for services sector
5. Power of Attorney to sign the application if the participant(s) are represented by another party.
6. a. Other requirements from the minister concerned, if any, as stated among others in the “Technical Guidance’s Book on Investment Implementation”.
b. Certain sector namely mining sector which has extraction activity, energy sector, palm oil plantation and fishery, must obtain Letter of recommendation by the related/technical ministries.
c. For the Palm Oil Processing Industry which does not have raw material supplied by its own plantations, the raw material guarantee document supplied by the plantation must be completed, and recogniced by the plantation Department of Regency/City Government.
7. In the business sector required for partnership cooperation:
a. Agreement between Small Scale Enterprise and Medium/Large Scale Enterprise outlining among others name and address of each party, pattern of partnership, right and obligation of each party as well as guidance provided for Small Scale Enterprises.
b. Letter of Statement from the Small Scale Enterprise concerning that the enterprise fulfills the criteria of Small Scale Enterprises based on Law No. 9 of 1995.
Please click Representative Office on this site.
III. Indirect Foreign Investment
Acqusition local company and change status to Foreign Company.
1. Planfor employment of foreign personnel decree
A.What Is Plan For Employment Of Foreign Personnel?
Plan for employment of foreign personnel (Rencana Penggunaan TenagaKerja Asing Pendatang, RPTKA) is a plan regarding the number, functions andemployment periods of foreign personnel needed by PMDN or PMA companies toimplement their investment projects.
B. HowTo Apply
Applications for RPTKA shall be filed to Head ofBKPM.
Applications for RPTKA shall be filed by using Form RPTKA.
C.Approval Of Applications
Approval of application for RPTKA shall be issued in the form ofRPTKA decrees (SK-RPTKA).
SK-RPTKA decrees shall be issued by Head of BKPM onbehalf of the Minister of Manpower.
SK-RPTKA decrees shall be issued notlater than 4 (four) working days after the receipt of correct and completeapplications.
6.TA.01 recommendation
A. WhatIs Ta.01 Recommendation?
Expatriates of PMA and PMDN companies as well as regionalrepresentative offices of foreign companies who are ready to leave for Indonesiaare required to possess visas for limited stay (Visa Tinggal Terbatas, VITAS).To obtain VITAS, companies shall file for TA.01 recommendations.
B. HowTo Apply
Application for TA.01 recommendation shall be filed to Head ofBKPM.
Application for TA.01 recommendation shall be field by using FormPPt.2.
C.Approval Of Applications
Approval of applications for TA.01 recommendation shall be issued inthe form of TA.01 recommendation.
TA.01 recommendation shall be issued byDirector of Licensing and Facilities to the Director General ofImmigration.
TA.01 recommendation shall be issued not later than 4 (four)days after the receipt of correct and complete applications.
D.Other Provisions
Based on TA.01 recommendations, the Directorate General ofImmigration shall notify representative offices of the Republic of Indonesia toissue VITAS to the relevant expatriates.
After the arrivals of expatriates,the relevant companies shall file applications for the issue of Limited StayPermit Cards (Kartu Izin Tinggal Terbatas, KITAS) to local immigration offices.KITAS application shall be submitted using the KITAS application form andenclosing evidences of embarkation cards.
TA.01 recommendation is issued to the Director General of Immigrationnot to the applicant.
BKPM and BKPMD do not issue VITAS as well asKITAS.
7.Expatriate work permit decree
A. WhatIs Expatriate Work Permit?
Expatriates work permit (Izin Kerja Tenaga Warga Negara AsingPendatang, IKTA) is a permit for PMDN or PMA companies to employ a number ofexpatriates in certain functions for certain periods of time. Expatriates withKITAS who are going to work in Indonesia shall apply for IKTA.
B. HowTo Apply
Application for IKTA shall be filed by the expatriates sponsor whichin this case is the relevant PMDN or PMA companies.
Application for IKTAshall be filed to Head of BKPM.
Application for IKTA shall be filed by usingForm Ppt.2.
C.Approval Of Applications
Approval of application for IKTA shall be issued in the form of IKTAdecrees (Surat Keputusan IKTA, SK-IKTA) and legitimization book.
SK-IKTA andlegitimization book shall issued by Head of BKPM for Head of BKPM on behalf ofthe Minister of Manpower.
SK-IKTA and legitimization book shall be issued notlater than 4 (four) days after the receipt of correct and completeapplications.
D.Other Provisions
Applications for the extension of IKTA shall be filed using FormPpt.2 within 30 (thirty) days of its expiration date.
PMDN or PMA companiesshall submit approval on KITAS extension.
In the event of any change in theuse of expatriates whose posts are transferred as well as changes in sponsors orlocations, relevant PMDN and PMA companies shall file applications to Head ofBKPM.
Expatriates other than executive directors and board members alreadyworking in Indonesia for 3 (three) consecutive years shall leave the territoryof Indonesia with the status of exit permit only (EPO). If, however, theexpatriates are still needed by relevant companies, sponsor companies shallenter new procedure for TA.01 recommendation on the basis on the valid RPTKAalong with copies of EPO papers.
8.Other approvals, licenses, decrees and permits not issued by BKPM
8. Other Approvals, Licenses, Decrees and Permits not issued byBKPM
8.1Approval of the articles of association of a limited liabilitycompany
As stipulated by Foreign Investment Law, PMA companies shall take theform of a Limited Liability Company (Perseroan Terbatas, PT) and subject toCorporate Law. Articles of association of PT shall be registered by the founderof PMA companies or their proxies to the Directorate General of Civil Affairs ofthe Ministry of Justice and Human Rights.
Forfurther information please contact:
Directorate General of Civil Affairs of the Ministry of Justice andHuman Rights.
8.2Tax-payer registration number and taxable entrepreneur confirmationnumber
According to Value Added Tax Laws, PMDN and PMA companies are subjectto report their business activities to the Directorate General of Taxation inits respected operational area.
Application for registration for tax-payerregistration number (Nomor Pendaftaran Wajib Pajak, NPWP) and for taxableentrepreneur confirmation number (Nomor Pengukuhan Pengusaha Kena Pajak, NPPKP)shall be filed to the Directorate General of Taxation of the Ministry ofFinance.